Elk Grove Village trustees have voted to prohibit the sale of kratom, a substance commonly found in smoke and vape shops, marking the latest step in the village’s efforts to regulate controversial products. The ban, which takes effect on Friday, February 21, follows a similar restriction on low-dose THC products enacted earlier in 2023.
Kratom, derived from the leaves of a Southeast Asian tree, occupies a legal gray area. While the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has labeled it a “Drug and Chemical of Concern,” it is not currently regulated under the Controlled Substances Act. The DEA notes that kratom can produce stimulant effects at low doses and sedative effects at higher doses, with risks of addiction and psychosis in some cases.
Mayor Craig Johnson acknowledged kratom’s growing controversy and noted that many municipalities nationwide have already banned it. For more details, visit the full report at Journal & Topics.