Radnor votes to regulate kratom, delta-8

RADNOR — Weeks after a store selling products called kratom and delta-8 opened in Wayne and was then ordered to shut down by the township, the board of commissioners has adopted an ordinance that would prevent the owners from reopening at that location.

This week, the Radnor Board of Commissioners passed an ordinance that bans the sale of kratom and delta-8 within 1,000 feet of a school, daycare center or playground. The ordinance also prohibits the sale of the products to anyone anywhere in the township under 21.

“[T]he Radnor Township Board of Commissioners (Board) hereby finds that mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, also known as Kratom, and Delta 8 THC, have the potential for abuse and can pose a health, welfare, and safety concern to the community and its residents; …

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